Monday, January 2, 2012


It’s New Year’s weekend. I know this because I have seen countless commercials for eHarmony and the new season of The Bachelor. Yes, I have seen way too many of these commercials. Between that and the emails I keep receiving from dating sites, I am ready to go back to work. I had plans for this long weekend,consisting of organization and cleaning. Not much of this took place, but at least the laundry is done. I have been avoiding taking down the Christmas tree as well. Many of my friends and family are way ahead of me. This avoidance is not because I am sad to say goodbye to the Christmas season, but because right now, I live in an apartment with little storage. Taking down the tree and putting all the decorations away will cause significant rearranging of the closet! Oddly, the arrival of 2012 is causing me to think about what I would like to accomplish this year. I don’t know about you, but 2011 was a whirlwind. It seems to have passed by so quickly. When I think of 2011, I wish I had been more active, gone to the farmer’s market a few more times, and read a few more books. I wish I had saved more money and started my diet in the spring rather than the fall. No matter my regrets, there is no denying that it is a new year with new opportunities and new choices.

So here are some of my new choices for 2012……
My first choice for this year is to watch less TV. It is so easy living alone to have the television on all the time. It is company. The noise of conversation on the TV makes me feel like I am not alone. Between having the TV on when I am home and then while I am at work for my dog Weezie, the TV is on at least 14 hours a day. I am at work at least 8 of these hours, but on the weekends, oh my goodness!!!! I hate to even admit this to myself much less to the blogging world! Very little on television is edifying, so I am going to do my very best to watch a minimal amount. This will be hard. Silence can be tough to take.
My second choice is to make a list of books I want to read this year and read them! At one time in my life I read quite a bit, but not much lately. I think I am just lazy. It is much easier to escape with television than allow my imagination to visualize words on a page.  There are several books I want to read this year and I am determined to do it. The majority of the books I read in 2011 were cook books. This is not a bad thing I guess. I love to cook and I was able to learn some new recipes, but I certainly didn’t use them all. Do you know how long it takes one person to eat a 3lb chuck roast or chicken spaghetti casserole? Yes, I should only read cook books when I am cooking for several people.  I also read a couple of dating books. I have not done this since my 20’s so believe me when I tell you, it was a low moment.
The reading list for 2012:

“Dear and Glorious Physician” by Taylor Caldwell
“The Weight of Glory” by C.S. Lewis
“One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully right Where you Are” by Ann Voskamp
“Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus” by Elyse Fitzpatrick
"Miss you Most of All" by Elizabeth Bass

I hope I will have more to add as the year goes by but I wanted to take this one step at a time. I know you are wondering why I plan to read a book on child rearing, but why not? I want to adopt children one day and I consider it preparation.
My third choice is to start jogging. I am making no promises. It is not that I hate exercise. I love to workout. Spinning class or boot camp class, I love, but running is just hard for me. I am committed to begin the c25k program tomorrow after work. (Couch Potato to 5k) I would continue this year with a gym class, but I have canceled my membership to save the money. We shall see. It is something I really want to do. I doubt I will end up running a marathon. I just don’t know what I would think about for 26 miles, but I would feel so accomplished if I could start of regimen of running at least 3-4 miles a few days a week.
I will keep you posted……

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Transition : a passage from one state to another.

Summer 2009.
There is something about drinking coffee from fine china that I absolutely love. Oh, I have loved coffee as long as I can remember, but somehow, drinking it here and now, from the white china cup I hold in my hand, it taste better than ever before. Better then the cup I had this morning, or the latte I had yesterday while shopping.  Absolutely the best cup of coffee ever. I look down and can see the pale yellow rose design that adorns this cup and think how beautifully real it seems. I can make out each petal and the stem, and the most perfect shade of yellow. So perfectly apart of the cup, yet you would never drink coffee from a rose petal. They don’t really belong together. Sure, the colors match and having the rose design in the china does add a little something other than just having a plain white china cup, right? Yet as I stare down into the cup I have to wonder if it actually belongs there and then I realize…I am not really wondering about the rose, I am wondering about myself. Do I belong here?

This is a question I have asked myself every day since I arrived. Oh, I would never tell my brother and his sweet new wife I have felt this way. They have had nothing but pure joy and excitement since the day I called and told them I felt God was leading me to move closer to home. I know it was God’s calling, because I loved my life before making this change. I would have never in a million years thought that I would have left my job, my friends, my church. I had been in Florida for five years and though I was lonely at times with no family around, I have never felt as miserable as I have been these last six weeks of my life.

Miserable. That is such a harsh word, but as I type, the word simply spills out from my finger tips. I must say it has been hard to understand. When you move forward in an area where you know God is leading you, it is suppose to be perfect right? I mean, all the goals I have for myself seem to make more sense coming to fruition here. My family is here and lifelong friends from childhood are just a short road trip away. Before, I was a day in the car or a couple of hours on a plane. I was not near anyone that was a relation, or had known me all my life.  There was logic written all over this scenario, yet being logical had never hurt so much. What on earth was I doing here?
Jackson Mississippi. This is the place I was calling home now. Yes, my roots are here, but up until a few weeks ago, I had never lived here. Both my parents called this place home and my family has significant ties, but this place is new to me. I do remember going to the beauty shop with my grandmother or shopping for groceries at her neighborhood Jitney, but other than visits here for long weekends and holidays, there is not much I remember. My older brothers and sisters have spent much more time here than I have. Other than the house on the corner of Galloway and Pennsylvania, there is not much I have known about this place. Yet here I am working every day, looking for a new church on Sundays and trying to get in a routine. Routine. I have always thrived on routine, yet I do not like this routine at all.  I look outside and can see the smoldering heat beating down on the pavement. The thought passes through my mind once more as it has from the moment I arrived…Why am I here? I left a great job, friends, wonderful church, for what? Smoldering Mississippi heat that you can actually see in the air. 
“I believe I see Fannie B. in your eyes.” I look up from the cup to hear this lovely compliment come from Dot, a beloved and long time friend of our family. From the moment I walked through her door this afternoon, she has looked at me so intently, as if there are memories stirring in the surface of her heart. When she looks at me, she is a young girl again and sitting on the front porch of my grandmother’s duplex in Fondren.  A grandmother I never knew, yet resemble just the same. Her memories are vivid and they are very fond memories, but I do not have a connection at all.
I have heard stories all my life of Fannie B. She is my mother’s mother and died before I was born. She lost two children and a husband in a period of four years. When my parents met, it was just she and my mother. She was a strong woman. I have pouted for days since moving here feeling sorry for myself, yet when she was my age, she was a widow and had already buried two children. I need her strength right now. More than ever it seems.
Winter 2011
It has taken some time, but that miserable feeling I had has diminished. I know we will always be a part of places we have lived and people we have loved, but I also know that God has a plan for me here. A plan to prosper and give me a hope and a future. It my my desire that his plan consist of a husband and lots of children, but as my new favorite blogger has reminded me,  only God knows what your family portrait will look like. That is so comforting to me. More than you will ever know. (not too sure my direction to the link is correct. Kinda new at this!)
Yes, I am new to blogging but not writing a journal. I have journaled my whole life. I love writing letters to the Lord. Putting my thoughts to paper. Noting a funny story or lesson learned. OK, so I am starting a blog, but I will never, and let me repeat NEVER give up my notebook and pen.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this. Not sure I will post everyday. I know that there is a lot that God wants to do in my life and I am determined to let him have his way so I will be posting my journey. Painfully at times, but posting just the same. We shall see